Questions & Answers
Get answers to commonly asked questions needed for your role as an employer.
What happens if my employee files a charge against me?
You should receive a letter from the Regional Director within a week of the charge being filed. An investigation normally follows during which time to take place. We may interview employees (including people in management) at your company. You may be asked to submit various documents, such as payroll records or CBAs. You may seek legal counsel to guide you through this process.
What are my rights and responsibilities during an organizing campaign?
Accordion body copy goes here.
What happens when a union wins an election?
Accordion body copy goes here.
What are my duties and rights as an employer or union?
You have the right to legal counsel.
Additional Information
FAQs and Guidance
Read questions and answers of topics regarding general ALRB information, AB 113, and more.
Read pamphlets that cover a variety of topics regarding labor laws and regulations.
Contact Us
Get in touch with the ALRB through phone, email, visit our offices, or we can come to you. Your call is confidential.
Do you have questions or need help?
Contact the ALRB to have your questions answered and to determine if you have a claim. Your immigration status does not matter.
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda?
Comuníquese con ALRB (La Ley Laboral) para que le respondan sus preguntas y poder determinar si tiene un reclamo. No importa su estatus migratorio.
Call/Llame: (916) 653-3699
Toll Free/Gratuito: +1(800) 449-3699
Email/Correo electrónico:
Gavin Newsom