Welcome to the ALRB E-file webpage.
E-filing is an optional method to filing with the Board. All other methods of service (facsimile, postal service, and personal service) remain valid.
Things to Note
When e-filing documents with the Board, the party must send the document to Efile@ALRB.ca.gov and follow the instructions below.
If you are an agricultural worker, bargaining representative or company who wants to file a new unfair labor practice charge or allegation, please do not use the ALRB e-filing system. New unfair labor practice charges should instead be filed with one of the ALRB’s Regional Offices. Election petition documents should also be filed directly with a Regional Office. You can find the address and telephone numbers for the Regional Offices on our Contacts page or call 1-800-449-3699.
Filing with the Board

Submitting Documents
All documents filed with the Board must be sent to Efile@ALRB.ca.gov.
Document Title
The file name of any document electronically filed must be in the following format: Year (followed by a dash) month (followed by a dash) day (followed by one space) followed by the title of the document from the caption on the face page of the document, which may be abbreviated using easily identifiable abbreviations. For example, a document filed by email on March 12, 2016, would be named “2016-03-12 Respondent’s Exceptions to the Decision of the Administrative Law Judge,” or “2016-03-12 Resp Excepts to ALJ Dec;”
Email Subject Line
The subject line of your email must state the case name and number, if one has been assigned. The case name generally will be the name of the respondent in an unfair labor practice case (i.e., the party against whom an unfair labor practice charge is filed). In other types of cases the name of a case typically will be the name of the agricultural employer involved. The subject line of the email also should include a description of the document being submitted;
CC all Parties
The filing party must “cc” all counsel and parties listed on the proof of service;
Contact Information
The filer’s contact information must be outlined in the body of the email.
After Submitting

Automated Response
You will receive an automated response to acknowledge that the Agricultural Labor Relations Board (“ALRB”) has received your email. Please note that this email is computer-generated and doesn’t imply that your proposed e-filing submission has been reviewed or accepted. By the end of the business day, you will receive another email confirming if your proposed e-filing submission has been accepted.
E-File Time Submission
Emails with proposed e-filings that are received after 5:00 p.m. are deemed received on the following business day.
Information about the e-filing process is available on the ALRB website. If you have any questions regarding a specific e-filing, or about the e-filing process, please call the ALRB Executive Secretary’s Office at (916) 653-3741.
E-Filing Regulations
The Board’s regulations, as well as Section 20169 that governs e-filing documents can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Executive Secretary Santiago Avila-Gomez at Santiago.Avila-Gomez@alrb.ca.gov.
Do you have questions or need help?
Contact the ALRB to have your questions answered and to determine if you have a claim. Your immigration status does not matter.
¿Tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda?
Comuníquese con ALRB (La Ley Laboral) para que le respondan sus preguntas y poder determinar si tiene un reclamo. No importa su estatus migratorio.
Call/Llame: (916) 653-3699
Toll Free/Gratuito: +1(800) 449-3699
Email/Correo electrónico: info@alrb.ca.gov

Gavin Newsom